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Transportation affects us all. As transportation planners, we want to ensure that our plans address our region’s highest priority needs based on your input.

If you or your group are interested in learning about the RTA Next regional transportation plan development process and how the draft 20-year plan is shaping up for public review and input, we have a presentation to share those details with you.

The RTA is preparing a $2.46 billion draft plan to share with the public in 2024. This draft plan currently proposes roadway, transit, safety, active transportation (bicycle/pedestrian) and environmental improvements to ensure we have a safe, reliable and connected transportation network.

Once the draft is approved by the RTA Board, the RTA will conduct outreach region wide in the greater Tucson area to seek public input for final plan revisions prior to an election. An election will be held as early as May 2025 for voter consideration of the plan and a countywide half-cent sales tax extension to fund it.

Here’s a sneak preview of the presentation we will share with your group. The presentation’s key points address:

  • Benefits of working together 
  • Your role
  • Expected plan deliverables
  • Why we need a new plan and tax extension?
  • RTA funding benefits to the region
  • What’s in the proposed plan?
  • Flexibility of RTA funding
  • Meeting transportation priorities
  • Economic benefits of a new plan
Tell family, friends and others about RTA Next plan development and invite them to sign up to receive updates directly to learn more about public input opportunities when the draft plan is ready for review.
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